Explore our Products

For Police, Security and Armed Forces

Deinopsys Netgun
Stops Drones Safely!
(30+ meters)

Public safety, prisons, critical infrastructure, assets, industry and VIP protection.

For Integrators of Counter UAS Systems

Deinopsys Infinity
For Your "Drone-Catcher"!

Custom airborne applications; the most compact and performant C-UAS net-effector.

For Integrators of Counter UAS Systems

Integration, IP and Engineering Support

Exploit our many years of scientific and engineering experience to integrate C-UAS technology into your setup

Partners & References

Counter UAS Technology - Stops Drones Safely

Deinopsys is Swiss Aerobotic’s brand of counter UAS technologies. All current Deinopsys products are based on our patent protected net-thrower cartridge. It’s high-performance, compact, light-weight and all-weather.

Deinopsys Mark1 Netgun (30+ meters)

Deinopsys Mark1 Netgun, the only net-gun that:
  • shoots multiple times without reloading
  • stops drones safely with a parachute (video)
  • stops really large UAVs with a drag-chute
It stops drones safely up to 30 meters and beyond. Our Mark1 Netgun has been developed in collaboration with Wyss Waffen.

Deinopsys Infinity - OEM Net-Effectors (30+ meters)

Deinopsys Infinity stops and catches drones from your own interceptor vehicle.
  • preloaded cartridges (net-only, tether or/and parachute)
  • custom mounting plate
  • integrated shock-absorbers
  • electronic control and automatic firing module
Deinopsys Infinity has been developed for OEM system integrators and CUAV-operators. It’s light enough to be fired from platforms such as a DJI-450 (video). It provides infinite ways of adding value and a leading edge to your existing solution.

Swiss Aerobotics IP and Engineering-Support

IP and Engineering: Countering drones often requires very demanding solutions in every aspect, where off-the-shelf is not going to get you very far. From mechanical integration, over targeting technologies, firing-support solutions, embedded electronics and corresponding firmware, engineering is in our blood and we can help you meet your demanding targets and getting the most out of the Deinopsys counter drone effectors.